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Getting Fido of Fluffy Ready To Downsize

Animals are often a bit reluctant to accept change. Your duty as a pet owner is to help them get adjusted. This can be particularly challenging when you downsize. With a bit of love and a few tips, you can make the process easier for your furry friend.

Prep Your Current House for the Sell

To get the most from your investment and help your house sell more quickly, address any issues, such as leaking pipes, loose shingles, or cracked windows. While these minor problems may not have bothered you, they can easily turn off a prospective buyer.

Additionally, consider making a few upgrades to your house to increase your home’s value. Securing a higher sales price means you have more money toward pet-proofing the new home.

Take Care of Maintenance Before Listing

You want to sell your home quickly, so you and Fido or Fluffy can enjoy a smaller, minimal-maintenance home sooner. Therefore, before showing your current house, manicure the yard and trim the trees.

Additionally, get your gutters cleaned prior to listing. A professional has the tools and know-how to effectively and safely remove all debris. While they’re cleaning, they can evaluate the condition of your gutters and inform you of any necessary repairs. Expect to pay between $106 and $167 for gutter cleaning, though larger projects may cost up to $350.

Secure Your Loan First

Get loan pre-approval before beginning your home search. Doing this lets you know how much you can spend on the new home and speeds the purchase process. Research your loan options, including Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veterans Affairs (VA), and conventional loans. Compare mortgage rates with a mortgage lender before deciding on the one for you.

As you search for your new home, keep in mind your must-haves. Perhaps you want a location close to your workplace or single-level living for your convenience.

Your Time Matters to Your Pet

You’re your pet’s safe place and constant in their life. Since they may be a bit scared during the move, spend extra time with them during this transition. Play and snuggle with your cat as much as possible. Take your pooch for frequent walks. Show them how much you both can enjoy your smaller home.

Pet-Proof Your Home

Keep your furry friend in mind as you put away your belongings in your new home. Since your pet has less room to roam in your smaller home, be sure to remove all hazards. Use closets to your advantage, and put breakables in safe places.

In addition, pet-proof the yard. For instance, if the house is too close to the road, install a fence so your pup can play freely without worry. You may also want to explore installing a pet door from a trusted company like Pet Door USA.

Start Training Before the Move

Think about your pet’s new routine at the smaller house, such as using potty pads or staying on a leash in the yard. To make life easier for both of you, start training your pet to learn these habits before you move.

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